You’re invited to the Slocan Valley Housing Society’s AGM. We’ll be bringing folks up to date on two new affordable housing developments in the Valley.

New Denver’s Osprey Residence is now accepting applications for tenancies and Slocan City’s just heard new funding came through to enable a start to the development process. Now this affordable housing for families and seniors can move ahead with the community.
Come help us celebrate the progress made on these two developments. Join us inside the beautiful Passmore Lodge and find out more! Door prizes and refreshments!
Thank you!
The Board and Staff of SVHS
P.S. You can help support the development of more affordable housing in the Valley. Becoming a member (only $5) or making a donation helps to show the community is supporting affordable housing, especially when we go to larger funding partners and local governments. (You can donate online HERE or download our membership form below.)
Thanks for considering this. (You must be a member for 30 days in order to vote at an AGM.)