To make online donations secure and convenient we have partnered with to accept donations on our behalf and to issue instant income tax receipts.
Donate today and choose how your donation will be used!
Society General - Funds donated may be used for charitable works, including new facilities, at the discretion of the Board of Directors
Slocan City Suites - Funds donated will be used for the benefit of Slocan City Suites
Passmore Lodge - Funds donated will be used for the benefit of Passmore Lodge
​To make a donation online, click HERE or on the logo above. We accept Interac Online, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal or Canada Helps Gift Cards.
To make donations by cash, cheque, gifts or stock transfers, please contact us!
The Slocan Valley Housing Society is a Charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency. We file our annual financial returns each year to keep our Charitable Status in good order. This allows us to provide charitable tax receipts for donations received.
For donations made by cash, cheque, gifts or stock transfers, we will issue income tax receipts provided the donation meets all of the criteria set by the Canada Revenue Agency. We do not issue charitable receipts for donations made by cash, cheque or gifts if less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00).