Your board is committed to transparency and openness to our membership, staff, tenants, donors, partners and communities that have supported us so strongly.
About the Slocan Valley Housing Society
1) The Society is run by a volunteer community board, who receive no payment.
2) The Society is not affiliated with any religious or community organizations.
3) The board meets monthly, as do our various committees like finance, building maintenance, policy, etc.
4) The board members are elected at our annual general meeting.
5) The Slocan Valley Housing Society operates Passmore Lodge and Slocan City Suites.
6) The Passmore Lodge manager, Joyce Johnson, is employed by the board to run the daily operations of the Lodge, as well as to be the Society’s administrator.
7) The Slocan City Suites manager, Tamara Smith, is hired by the board to run the daily operations of Slocan City Suites.